This is a instable beta of X-Sim 3.
It has the functions of X-Sim 2 plus:
- Heuristic game wizard and configurator
- online cloud feature
- online profile database
- new community integration
You can earn everytime a stage 2 key as a reward for your work
(e.g. publish your project, make a interface, write a software) which will offer access to:
- graphic driver (project plugfree)
- force feedback driver (yoda)
- memory driver (force injector)
You can also get a supporter key for:
- all stage 2 features
- file save support
- offline mode
- command line functions
Beta users get time limited access to stage 2 and beta features.
A beta tester has to check and fill out the beta documents and need a project in his gallery.
Then he get a beta keys for the new features which are developed inside the feature ticket system.
The software is in all cases the same.
For more information read the mainpage "Terms of usage" where the details are written down.
The comercial menu "Terms of usage" will carry the details for commercial usage.
Сегодня лень пробовать, тем более ничего принципиально нового не обещают. Тем не менее радует что зашевелились, мож хоть старые баги пофиксят теперь.
Невозможно пропустить и вот эту фразу:
You can earn everytime a stage 2 key as a reward for your work
(e.g. publish your project, make a interface, write a software)
В связи с этим я думаю скоро у них на форуме значительно увеличится гора недопроектов и говноподелок %).
ЗЫ Интересно, а мне стэйдж 2 кей дадут, я вроде писал там чё-та про свою г-ку когда-то