починил аттачи, проблема была из за буферизации и компрессии вывода самим php.
солюшн: в file.php добавить строки
ini_set('output_buffering', 0);
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
Старые аттачи работают корректно и не попортились.
Модераторы: Death_Morozz, FELiS, null
Ale писал(а):Я понимаю, что это ОФТОПИК.. Может к Фелису обратиться?
Добавление. Хм. И своей картинки, как вложения, тоже не вижу...
Добавление 2 Теперь свою картинку вижу
I'm registered to the Russian forum as you know with user name speedy ... no problem with signing in Russian language ... and with using Google translation for the whole page and signing in ... then COMES THE PROBLEM ... successfully logged in but it is in Russian and when trying to translate the new page it loges me off and send me back to the start point ... tried to delete all previous cookies and use translation but the same result !!!
I can sign in and go posting under Russian page comparing button functions as you noticed all buttons are almost the same as the x-sim.de or many other sites with slit deference ... But this is really hard and tricky ... to feel what I mean try arabic translation then you will feel like all links and lines are the same */:) raised eyebrows... I'm using firefox browser ... is there someting that can enable english while user is logged in ?
FELiS писал(а):готово, багтестим.
FELiS писал(а):кнопки не подгружает английские
Ale писал(а):I'm registered to the Russian forum as you know with user name speedy
Ale писал(а):successfully logged in but it is in Russian and when trying to translate the new page it loges me off and send me back to the start point
Death_Morozz писал(а):вы че там двиг обновили попутно?
Death_Morozz писал(а):ps там, кстати, scan11 говорил, что кнопка редактирования пропадала...
I need to edit the first post to add a new video for the simulator ... but I can't is it possible ?
It was there and using it for the last post ... then when YouTube finished uploading ... I used the edit to add the video link ... it said that "you can't edit or delete this post any more " ... then disappeared for all previous posts ...
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