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Pyramid 301 simulator + a Convertible car air speed effect

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Модераторы: Death_Morozz, null, Ale

Re: Pyramid 301 simulator + a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Speedy » 08 июл 2013, 04:21

Thanks AlexVr for your concern ...

Don't worry it's really nothing here now ... I guess you're watching some recorded videos for one event as some channels make different fake stories on the same video ... just to make some hot news :lol: ... The police is doing a good job with these cases ... I assure you even me and my family went down and had a good time between all other families blowing whistles and celebrating with air-forces acrobatic show :D ... Now, it's really the majority choice of the people to get this man down from being president ... that is successful with the help of the special forces of the army ... We started that and made a final date to solve some internal diplomatic issues or else he will be down after he really refused to answer our demands or requests ... and that's the core story .

here is a recently 2 days ago added YouTube video of an Apache helicopter splashing water on the Holidaymakers / Agamy beach / Alexandria / Egypt .
phpBB [video]

See for yourself on the Nile-sat channels the real life broadcasting of the truth ... The Red sea is waiting for you All ... My dear any time . ;)

spe ;) edy
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Speedy » 30 дек 2014, 01:56

last summer vacation biggest event in Hurghada "Sindbad" submarine ... and still a fantastic weather there . ;)

phpBB [video]
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator + a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Speedy » 13 дек 2015, 12:42

My controller ...

2015-09-02 12.17.11.jpg
2015-09-02 12.17.11.jpg (1.39 МБ) Просмотров: 8526

2015-09-02 12.10.57.jpg
2015-09-02 12.10.57.jpg (1.08 МБ) Просмотров: 8526

2015-09-02 12.10.04.jpg
2015-09-02 12.10.04.jpg (1.16 МБ) Просмотров: 8526

2015-09-02 12.08.23.jpg
2015-09-02 12.08.23.jpg (1.08 МБ) Просмотров: 8526

2015-09-02 12.05.44.jpg
2015-09-02 12.05.44.jpg (997.17 КБ) Просмотров: 8526

2015-09-02 12.04.24.jpg
2015-09-02 12.04.24.jpg (1011.69 КБ) Просмотров: 8526
2015-09-02 12.14.49.jpg
2015-09-02 12.14.49.jpg (1.55 МБ) Просмотров: 8526
2015-09-02 12.11.42.jpg
2015-09-02 12.11.42.jpg (1.07 МБ) Просмотров: 8526
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator + a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Speedy » 14 дек 2015, 01:40

The toner transfer board making files ...

main board silkscreen side.pdf
(66.47 КБ) Скачиваний: 31

FTDI USB board copper side.pdf
(11.08 КБ) Скачиваний: 25

Opto-coupler AC board copper side.pdf
(20.96 КБ) Скачиваний: 24

Opto-coupler PWM board copper side.pdf
(18.26 КБ) Скачиваний: 23

main board copper side.pdf
(91.68 КБ) Скачиваний: 22
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Откуда: Egypt
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Death_Morozz » 14 дек 2015, 12:42

Hi Speedy!
This great construction!

What H-bridges do you use?
Хочешь сделать хорошо - сделай это сам.
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Ale » 14 дек 2015, 13:42

Death_Morozz писал(а):Hi Speedy!
This great construction!

What H-bridges do you use?

Вроде вот, его собственная конструкция ;)
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Speedy » 14 дек 2015, 14:59

Ale писал(а):
Death_Morozz писал(а):Hi Speedy!
This great construction!

What H-bridges do you use?

Вроде вот, его собственная конструкция ;) ... fets.5011/

Yes @Ale ... but I'm not using DC motors .
I use AC motors and VFD's in this simulator ...

phpBB [video]
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Сообщения: 20
Зарегистрирован: 10 ноя 2012, 03:54
Откуда: Egypt
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Ale » 14 дек 2015, 15:54

Speedy писал(а):Yes @Ale ... but I'm not using DC motors .
I use AC motors and VFD's in this simulator ...

Ups :oops: , Sorry, @Speedy... I forgot it ;)
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Re: Pyramid 301 simulator + a Convertible car air speed effe

Сообщение Speedy » 14 дек 2015, 22:09

Don't worry @Ale big friend ... :D :D :D
Me too forgot to attach these files ... :oops: :oops:

the front panel LCD extension testing board with power, Rx/Tx Led and a reset button ... ;)
Front panel LCD copper side.pdf
(8.61 КБ) Скачиваний: 17

Front panel LCD silkscreen side.pdf
(12.43 КБ) Скачиваний: 15

Just for testing before inserting it to the computer PCI socket ... then I use the xSimCTRL v2.2 SW to calibrate and save .
20151214_204258.jpg (583.09 КБ) Просмотров: 8459

20151214_204137.jpg (568.26 КБ) Просмотров: 8459

20151214_204424.jpg (618.68 КБ) Просмотров: 8459

the Jumper board [didn't make it yet] in case of ATMEGA output is directly need to the back socket ...
Jumper board top C1 copper layer.pdf
(5.95 КБ) Скачиваний: 18

All boards are coated with a clear nail polish for copper protection ...
20151214_204538.jpg (681.49 КБ) Просмотров: 8459
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Зарегистрирован: 10 ноя 2012, 03:54
Откуда: Egypt
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Баллы репутации: 15


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