Nur писал(а):Попробуй Shift + win + ^ (стрелку вверх или вниз)
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Модераторы: Death_Morozz, null, Ale
Nur писал(а):Попробуй Shift + win + ^ (стрелку вверх или вниз)
CraCk писал(а):Плохая новость. Скоро выйдет новая версия Sim Tools 2.![]()
Licensing & SimTools 2.0
First, I would like to give a special thanks to @noorbeast, for all the hard work you have put into the licenses drafts! Thanks my friend! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask either @noorbeast or myself and we should have an answer.
There is a whole new licensing framework for SimTools 2.0, so here is a bit of an introduction of how that is being formulated, what the aim of coverage is and how that will take form in actual licensing.
The biggest shift is how to better balance and manage the needs of DIY builders and the increasing corporate interest. There has unfortunately been unauthorized corporate profiting from SimTools, with a flow on consequences for the DIY community. Our response to this is a far more rigorous licensing regime that provides greater protection, control and clarity, while at the same time serving both DIY and commercial interests and offering new types of functionality for both.
The SimTools licensing has been drafted and redrafted many times since mid last year, as SimTools V2.0 has evolved. The first step of the licensing review process just started a couple of days ago and will be widened as the drafts are refined.
There will be three licenses covering SimTools 2.0.
There are fees associated with the 3 license versions, but don't panic as in the case of the DIY license we intend to have a Discount Code that DIY simulator builders are eligible for, which effectively makes it free for all those who are actually building a DIY simulator (not from a kit or a commercial product). Having to get a license key provides far more control over unauthorized misuse of SimTools.
The DIY license will have the same basic functionality as the existing SimTools (but with up to 12 axis now possible), and a far more responsive and flexible framework. The DIY license defines and explicitly precludes commercial use. However it does not stop a DIY builder from doing free public demonstrations, as we want members to be able to showcase of their rigs and SimTools! (GameDash will only work with a pro or entertainment license thou)
The Professional license covers DIY builders who want to use the new extended features of SimTools, like transducer support (GameVibe), or for commercial simulator manufacturers, or commercial simulator kit suppliers.
The Entertainment license is for commercial public ride type of businesses, which will need to be renewed annually.
Further details will be provided once the licensing review process is completed, but hopefully you have an idea of what to expect.
CraCk писал(а):Он станет платным. Смотрите второй пост yobuddy лицензирование.
Судя по описанию, получится X-Sim.CraCk писал(а):Плохая новость. Скоро выйдет новая версия Sim Tools 2.![]()
SimAl писал(а):Судя по описанию, получится X-Sim.
Death_Morozz писал(а):Я не симер, но вроде null говорил, что до коммерциализации x-sim достиг - больших результатов.
SimAl писал(а):У плагинов же публичный интерфейс. Можно под плагины simtools и/или x-sim написать свою совместимую головную программу с блекджеком и куртизанками. Я не думаю, что для simtools 2 будут переписывать все плагины, я значит они тоже будут совместимы.
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